Symptoms Checklist

*updated Nov. 2
Dear CLES Parents/Guardians: If your child is exhibiting ONE (1) symptom or more on the checklist, DO NOT send them to school. COVID-19 Alberta Health Daily Checklist (For Children Under 18)
1. There is a mandatory 10 day isolation period from the onset of symptoms for the following symptoms:
-fever (38 degrees or higher)
-cough (continuous, more than usual),
-shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
-loss of sense of smell or taste (not related to allergies)
You could also book a COVID-19 test for your child, and your child can return to school if the test is negative and the symptom (s) are gone.
2. If your child does not have symptoms mentioned above, but one symptom below, keep your child home and monitor for 24 hours. If their symptom is improving after 24 hours, they can return to school and activities when they feel well enough to go. Testing is not necessary.
Without fever, not related to being outside in cold weather
-Sore throat/painful swallowing
Not related to other known causes/conditions, such as seasonal allergies or reflux
-Runny Nose
Not related to other known causes/conditions, such as seasonal allergies or being
outside in cold weather
-Feeling unwell/fatigued Lack of energy, poor feeding in infants, not related to other known causes orconditions, such as depression, insomnia, thyroid dysfunction or sudden injury
-Nausea, vomiting and/or diarrhea
Not related to other known causes or conditions, such as anxiety, medication or
irritable bowel syndrome
-Unexplained loss of appetite
Not related to other known causes or conditions, such as anxiety or medication
-Muscle/joint aches
Not related to other known causes or conditions, such as arthritis or injury
Not related to other known causes or conditions, such as tension-type headaches or
chronic migraines
-Conjunctivitis (commonly known as pink eye)
AHS has launched a tool for parents to walk you through symptoms and provides info about next steps for testing and isolation, when household members need to isolate and when children can return to school. The tool is now available at
Parents/guardians with questions about their own health or the health of their child should call Health Link at 811 or visit
Individuals looking for general COVID-19 info are encouraged to visit or