Welcome Back to School - Important Dates!

We can't wait to see everyone back to school! You can refer to our our school calendar for these important BACK To SCHOOL DATES by clicking here. These dates are also listed below:
Tues. August 23 - CLES office opens 8:00am-4:00pm
Tues. September 6 - First Day of School for Gr. 1, 2, 3
Thurs. September 8 - First Day for ALL Kindergarten students (Kinder Staggered entry Sept. 6/7)
-Click here for our School Supply Lists These are also located on our Home page.
-Our office reopens on August 23; for any questions please call our school at 780-639-3107, or email us at cles@nlsd.ab.ca
-Teachers will be reaching out to all families before the first day of school - stay tuned!
See you all soon!
Mr. Chris Vining & Mrs. Natalie Ogrodiuk-Whaley