December 2022 - Gratitude

Thank you to all of the parents and guardians who checked out my blog last month. We love hearing about the things you do at home to support what your child is learning at school. This past month we had lots of fun learning about friendships and healthy relationships at CLES.
This month Cold Lake Elementary is focusing on gratitude. I have shared the story, “Gratitude is my Superpower” with teachers and have gone into a number of classes to talk about gratitude. Students were shared what they were grateful for. Some students had the opportunity to either write someone a gratitude letter or work on their own gratitude journal. Here are the links below to the story as well as the activities if you would like to continue the learning at home.
Gratitude is my Superpower story
"Express gratitude for the greatness of small things." — Richie Norton
How to share with our children and rekindle in ourselves a better knowing of gratitude. Seven ways we as parents can foster Gratitude in our children. I really liked this one.
Seven Ways to Foster Gratitude in Kids
Looking for some links for activities to do with your children to teach gratitude, check out the link below.
The Best Gratitude Activities for Kids and How to Teach Gratitude to kids.
For more resources, check out the Gratitude page of the NLPS website.
If you would like me to connect with your child or your family, you can contact me at the school at (780) 639-3107,